Project NOMAD

As a result, inter-community conflicts have drastically decreased, and these communities meet together in newly planted churches to solve their problems amicably with love.
As a result, inter-community conflicts have drastically decreased, and these communities meet together in newly planted churches to solve their problems amicably with love.
How do we pass the baton of integrity and honesty to young people? Their relationships are vulnerable to real and perceived betrayals of trust. We like to shop where we know that the owner will deal with us honestly. Managers…
Youversion is an online Bible platform that creates biblical relevant content. It’s the most popular Bible App and has over 400 million users globally. GNPI-Africa is working in partnership with YouVersion as a content creator to tap into this audience to create Bible plans as well as audio and video resources both in English and Swahili. The Global Gospel and Injili Ulimwenguni. Through YouVersion, people all over East Africa now have access to Injili Ulimwenguni (The Global Gospel) illustrated stories through their mobile devices and can hear or read those stories in their own languages. The short length of each Gospel story allows them to be shared easily on multiple devices and platforms. These videos are teaching the youths, Integrity, honesty, being trustworthy, how to avoid filthy language, and instead honor God with their speech and behaviors. Currently, we have a total of 177 subscriptions and 52 completions. You can find our content at Click on this link to get access to the Global Gospel
“Chanuka” is a Swahili slang word for “brighten up!” The Youth Series is arranged around the five things Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12, that he should focus on setting an example to the believers. These are; Speech, Conduct, Love, Faith, and Purity and they serve as subject headings for about 10 episodes under each heading. Each episode also is built around 1 or 2 passages of Scripture drawn more broadly from the whole Bible. The series began 6 years ago by, Oneal Tankersley, as an attempt to present basic Christian principles of life to teens and young adults in Haiti in a way that would get and hold their attention. GNPI-Africa produced the first season in 2017, using the green screen to help the youth of East Africa. The whole series is envisioned to be around 50 episodes with an average length of 4 minutes. So far, we have shot a total of 14 episodes. The episodes use a presenter figure – an engaging 20 to 30-year-old typically. It also freely uses other presenters and a pool of teens and young adults for fast-moving skits to keep the viewer’s attention and carry the core message to them. These videos are teaching the youths, Integrity, honesty, being trustworthy, how to avoid filthy language, and instead honor God with their speech and behaviors. The ‘’Chanuka Youth series has been distributed in youth meetings and Bible classes as discussion starters, and more widely being shared openly through the internet on various social media platforms.
2as1 is among one of the most popular shows that’s currently being aired at UTV every Friday evening. The show is popularized by its unique approach to relationships and marriage. The show is hosted by Charles and Susan Opiyo who are biblical authorities and have been global ministers together for many years. Relationships can get very complicated. This explains why the rate of divorces and separations in this era are very high. Many people still try to find answers to the relationship problems they’re facing. This show addresses some of those important FAQs about marriage and relationships in general and they’re answered from a biblical perspective using biblical principles. Currently the show has a viewership of about 3 million and it’s increasing everyday. Shows that have been aired already can still be accessed on our YouTube channel. Please subscribe to our channel and newsletters for more updates on the same.