Recognising the need for sexual information and increased teenage pregnancy among young people, 

we have been conducting sessions using culturally relevant films for years.


Institutions visited


young adults reached

0 +

Accept Christ


The project aims at equipping the Teenagers and Young Adults with biblical age-appropriate sexuality knowledge that will aid them to develop a positive attitude, make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual behaviour, and in the long run be an influence in their communities

Issues addressed

We work with experienced individuals who are able to share their deep understanding of some of the underlying issues that young people go through in life. By doing these, we help the youth, teenagers and children answer difficult questions while instilling life skills to help them during tough situations where one is required to make a tough choice.


We educate the young people on importance of having a Godly and healthy relationship amongst their peers and with God.

Drugs & Alcohol abuse

Drugs and alcohol plays a big role in the way young people behave. We enlight them on the effects of the later while providing them with other ways of havng fun.


We help young people discover their talents and skills that will help them in building careers that will mold them to become resourceful people in the society.

How we do it

We use 2 Dramas ‘Tough Choices’ and a sequel of it ‘Promise of love’ dramas followed by ‘Harder Truth’ a documentary on effects of abortion and STIs.


For more information please contact



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